Thursday, August 11, 2016

My Whole 30: The Good, The Bad, The Cravings

I did a lot of research, read the book, joined a couple of FaceBook groups and finally started my Whole 30 on July 5, 2016. Here's my month in review:

Day 1: This isn't so bad. In fact, it's kind of fun! 

The UseUpAllTheVeggies Breakfast Bowl
Day 2: These Whole 30 people are elitist. They're kind of rude and snobby to newbs. "You. Ate. A DATE?! That is so not compliant." "Cancer is hard. Drinking black coffee is NOT hard." Well, no shit cancer is hard and drinking black coffee isn't even in the same ball park. As someone who has personally seen and experienced cancer, I'm slightly offended when these words are thrown at me. Why would you even... ANYWAY. Moving on. I removed myself from the FB groups and turned to Pinterest. Pinterest is my friend.

Chicken Waldorf Salad
Day 3: Okay, I'm gonna do this my way. Screw your black coffee. I'm drinking mine with coconut milk, 1/8 of a fig (which I later omitted because the chunky texture was weird), homemade vanilla and cinnamon. Mmmm, delicious!

Bonus: I no longer want to slaughter everyone who talks to me.
Scrambled Eggs w/ Guac & Salsa Verde
Day 7: I am so tired. And hazy. Did someone slip something in my water, or is this detox?

Lightened Up Chicken Parm
Day 10: I feel slightly less drugged. Maybe a bit thinner and less bloated. Meals do take some time to prep and cook, but as someone who has been making most meals from scratch for almost 2 years, this is normal.
Roasted Beets & Brussels
Day 16: EAT ALL THE VEGGIES! Throw in a slab of steak and 1/2 an avocado, please. I'm feeling great, and maybe a little like a cave woman as I tear into each meal.
Cauliflower Tabbouleh. Burger on the Side. 
Day 21: The only things I really miss are cheese and wine. Especially on days when I'm with my children all day.

Did I mention I'm a stay at home mom??
Chicken BLT w/ Crispy Potatoes
Day 30: Down 10lbs. Not too shabby. Tried my old coffee creamer, BLEH. That stuff is nasty. 

Fried Eggs w/ Sauteed Spinach & Tomatoes
Day 32: I ate some cheese, had some wine. Maybe a gluten-filled chicken nugget? The euphoria (and wine) have clouded my memories.

Day 33: I feel kind of gross. I'm gonna stick to mostly Whole 30 eating, but there will be wine. In moderation... Well, let's be honest, the moderation part is iffy.

Today: Down 11lbs total and I feel good. This Whole 30 with grace thing is working for me, and I see no reason to change it up.


The Good:

You aren't stuck eating bland boiled veggies and baked meat. In fact, there is a lot of leeway for creative cooking and I really enjoyed that aspect of Whole 30. (If you're on Instagram, follow me for more food pics and recipes!) I also enjoyed being able to take the easy route and throw burgers on the grill once in a while.

While I did loose weight, I didn't really experience the increase energy, clearer skin, etc. that many people claim when doing Whole 30. That may, in part, be due to the fact that I was already eating largely gluten and dairy free and I'm not a soda or juice drinker. I'll keep this under "Good" though, because a lot of people do experience these benefits.

The Bad:

The extreme strictness was off putting to me. If you managed to get a grain of sugar in your green beans on day 29, you're supposed to re-start. (Bahaha! Man, they're funny.) The Whole 30 trolls on FB and Instagram were another downer. That just doesn't work for me. While I strictly stuck to foods technically allowed on the diet, I did have a few little "cheats" which included my daily coconut milk coffee and the occasional Larabar or Go Raw Choco Crunch Sprouted Cookies. Let's be clear, though, when I say occasional, I mean OCCASIONAL. This was a good balance for me, that allowed me to stay happy and still stick to the general principles of Whole 30. If I had not allowed myself these little concessions, I highly doubt I would have made it the full 30 days.

The Conclusion: 

All in all, I think Whole 30 is a great program. My entire family ate more veggies and less empty calories had I not done the diet and I was never, ever left hungry. Whole 30 helped teach me to eat intentionally and that's a big deal in my book.