Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quick & Delicious Sweet Potato Apple Hash

It may not feel much like Fall outside (72 degrees outside on the last day of September... in upstate New York?! Seriously.) but gosh darnit my kitchen is going to smell and taste like Fall! I started this morning by rounding up sweet potatoes, apples and cinnamon to make one of my favorites - potato hash.

Potato hash is one of those simple dishes that took me forever to perfect. If you just fry the potatoes in oil, they seem to get too crispy (*cough* burnt *cough*) on the outside before they're finally cooked through. Plus, that method seems to take forever. Seeing as I'm not exactly nice or patient when I'm hungry, that's a problem for me. I've also seen recipes where you add liquid to steam the potatoes but then they seem ... mushy. I'm not in to mushy. After a lot of trial and error, I figured out that if you fry the potatoes until crisp on the outside then simply place a lid on the pan and lower the cooking temperature for a few minutes the insides steam perfectly without loosing that delicious crispy outer shell.

I used the fry and steam method this morning and the result was pretty dang delicious. Of course, between my two thieving children, I ended up with more of a taste than a true breakfast. My kids are seriously lucky I love them so much.

Anyway, here's the recipe for my sweet potato hash. It takes around 15 minutes to prepare and makes 2 servings.

Sweet Potato Apple Hash


1 large sweet potato
1 large tart apple
1 tbs coconut oil
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
pepper to taste


Wash, peel and chop the sweet potato and apple into bite sized pieces. Try to keep all of the bites about the same size so they cook evenly.

Place a skillet over medium high heat and add coconut oil.

Once the pan is heated and the coconut oil is melted, place the sweet potato into the skillet. Sprinkle the cinnamon, salt and pepper over the potatoes and saute for 7 minutes or until the potatoes start to become crispy.

Add the apple chunks to the sweet potatoes, reduce the heat to medium low and place a lid over the pan.

3 minutes later your hash is ready to eat!

At my house, we like a mound of this hash by itself, topped with a fried egg or two for breakfast, as a side to pork chops for dinner or served on a bed of spinach and topped with walnuts for an easy vegan lunch. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! :)

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